Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Kompek15! Ohana!

Family Means Nobody left or forgotten. Seengganya udah banyak keluarga baru yang didapet di masa perkuliahan yang masih seumur jagung ini, mulai dari temen ospek, temen batch project, temen tugas mpkt, temen imotion dan temen kompek15. So much circles i am in right now and it feels so great to have them as a slice part in life. But, we already say goodbye now.

Rizki-Jessica-Elisa-Gita-Agnes-Almaz-Kak Ira-Rara
Kemal- Kak Wira-Bimo
Baru aja kepanitiaan Kompek15 selesai dan rasanya itu first time nangis karena tiba-tiba selesai aja kepanitiaan yang dialami, di Kompek15 ini aku jadi bagian staff Humas dan Registrasi yang pada awalnya aku cuman iseng untuk ikutan open recruitment acara terbesar ke 2 FEUI setelah JGTC. Wah ternyata keterima, dan sebenernya awalnya ga begitu kuat sense of belonging karena menurut aku terlalu berat kerjanya dan sesusah itu buat nelponin 60 sekolah tiap orang buat ngajakin ikut lomba kompek ini.

Jessi-Elisa-Kak Ira- Rara-Rizki-Ralista-Kak Tessa-Almaz
As time flows and goes by, semuanya berubah sih. Mulai dari anak-anaknya yang ternyata super-duper asik dan friendly banget. Terus juga anak-anaknya seru banget buat diajakin seru-seruan. Koordinator dan wakoor yang awalnya aku takutin karena kerjaan ku selalu ga beres ternyata mereka ga sekejam itu dan mereka berhasil bangun semangat kita yang saat-saat itu lagi demotivational karena susahnya kerjaan. Koor dan wakoor kita juga selalu sabar ngadepin kita dan selalu perhatian ama kita. Makin lama, sense of belongings aku di panitia humas dan registrasi makin muncul. Mendekati hari-H semakin kerasa agak sedih karena semua udah agak mellow dan terharu karena kita udah berhasil melewati masa-masa susah itu yang dimana kita udah nggak harus lagi nelponin 60 sekolah tiap orang dan ga harus lagi ngabisin pulsa yang super banyak. Rasanya sedih aja udah engga ketemu momen marketing call lagi yang super susah itu walaupun bahagia sih. Dan kemarin pas acara selesai itu, sedih banget karena udah harus pisah aja sama mereka. Damn, even i was not really like them at first, they made me turned to love one by one of them. HR Kompek 15! I love you all!

Btw, se so sweet itu HR Kompek15 pada ngasih pesan dan kesan satu sama yang lain dan ini yang aku dapetin dari mereka :

From Ralista! Wahaha aamiin semoga lovelife lancar :) Btw ralista ini dari duri, riau dan
sayang banget dia kemarin ga sempet ikut penutupan huhu
From Jessi! Jessi ini paling hebat banget kerjaannya. Kayak semua sekolah
banyak daftar gara-gara dia haha! 
From Rara! Anjir muka galau hahaha ga separah itu deh masang muka di kampus ra.
Terus ga ngerti misterius nya aku dimana....
From Elisa! Wah harus digarisbawahi kata COOL nya haha. Thank youu El!
From Almaz! Wahaha doain dah makin macho dan kekar kek lo maz terus
masih lugu kok ampe sekarang :)
From Gita! Iyee git ampun dah dicengin mulu kalo lagi rapat haha. Tetep HR Sejati :)
From Bimo! Aamiin Bim, doakan sebagai PR Sukses hehe terus perlu garis dibawahin
juga dong GANTENG nya nih haha
From Rizki! Baca ini berasa baca soal bahasa Indonesia ki haha
Sip bener banget ki paling menjadi diri sendiri dan paling menikmati hidup
Happiness coming first than being greatest :)
From Agnes! Hahaha makasih nes, walaupun selama ini lo sinis-in gue
akhirnya ada juga saat-saat lo muji gue ya. 
From Kak Ira! Thank you so much kak ira udah percaya sama aku. Btw aku ga bawel
aku pendiem kok kak hehe. Aamiin semoga sukses di PR dan buka restorannya :')
From Kak Wira! Hahaha iya nih kak, kalo jodoh mah kaga kemana-mana ya kak.
Aamiin doain aja selalu yang terbaik ya kak :)

 Thank You Humas dan Registrasi Kompek15 :)
Wish us still meet in Kompek 16

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

17th of February, 2013

First, Happy Birthday to Gayo Allaam Alfani ! Happy 18 to our smartest kid ! Stay ambitious and stay smart so you can teach us when near mid-term test and end-term test haha. And to my favorite actor, happy birthday Joseph Gordon-Levitt! I really want my hair looks like yours though it is impossible since we have different face curve and stay good in your acting.

So, one week of new term has passed and kind of depressing week though still early to depressed but so many activities to do and to complete on this week. Like you know, i have to prepare February Screening that was held on 14th and 15th of February. It is an event where we can watch any indie movies and have discussion with the director/producer. I couldn't see the event from start to end because of my awful schedule. And it was frustrating for me because i need to come to there yet i still had classes on those days. Oh, before the day, i need to meet the coordinator and i was asked to prepare the place and confirm it to the authorized people. So busy for the first week. Anyway, it has already finished though the event was not really success because not many people got come to the event. but thank God, it finished. By the way i still have one more upcoming events - KOMPEK 15 - Kompetisi Ekonomi 15 for High school students. Gonna be a busy week again hahaha

And on those depressing week i got a chance to meet my high school Friend, Sarah Septiani ! We haven't meet for 6 months more or less. Earlier, Tania told me that Sarah was going to come to UI and on the day i finally meet Sarah and her friend, which is her friend is my orientation-group friend's friend hahaha. Damn, world is really very small. And we met another friend  there, his name is Jundi. He is good looking, tania said, and he is handsome, sarah said. Anyway, Sarah made us (Tania and Me) not coming to class on that day just to accompany Sarah :) It was such a good day to be able to speak Palembang again hahaha

By the way, i have the awkwardest moment in this week, you know, on Thursday people called it Valentine's day. I didn't really something-into-this-thing and so took the day as usual. At the night, my friend, Marvin had asked me to accompany him to eat in Margocity. I forget about the valentine, but i wear red t-shirt and when we met up, he wear the same color of t-shirts. Red too. But i say it is okay since it is only a coincidence but i totally forgot that day was Valentine's day and as we walk around the mall i sensed that many people looking at us....

On that day too, i attended English Class. The class is fun, because before we starting, we played valentine's themed game which is that we need to pair a love quotes that was already in 2 part. And my friend said that the quotes really fit with me because the quote says "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." Thank God, her class is good and fun hahaha i wish my grade will be good too in English.

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

So what has already happened?

There were so much things happened lately. Though it was not very much, but still did. In January, day by day went so fast like a whuush, Stayed up till 5 in the morning, woke up around 2 or 3 p.m. Just like that, everyday. But in that unusual habit i have done many things. Like i have involved in socializing our university's information to many high school in Palembang and we also held "Try Out Kemas UI" Kemas stands for Keluarga Mahasiswa Sriwijaya which is people from Palembang gathered in one community. I rarely join the meeting before in Depok, but i take much part in this event too being Documentation People. New kind of job i said. The event was a big success and very fun. It just very happy when i looked the participant reaching more than 1000 people, yes one thousand.

Then, i have sight-seeing Palembang and found few things have been better, like PIM has starbucks with lowered price in Depok and the cinema's ticket getting more expensive or found that PTC has a sour sally mini stand and the last PSX has kind of unique restaurants there, i mean the layout and interior of the restaurants are quite interesting. Then for the first time, i am kind of starting to like coffee, well still can't drink the dark coffee and i prefer coffee-latte one to drink. I guess i am going to have make a new portion on my allowance for coffee.

Watching Movie was so not me  before, i mean i rarely watched movie in my life. Not really interested to them, like i only watched them once a two weeks or three weeks but in this holiday i think have watched more than 20 or 30 films. Reading books too, i can't stand for this thing but seriously i am starting to read books now. I am bit surprised of myself now. Well, starting to build up this hobby by reading some light novel and hope i can try to finish any serial books. Well, i never thought i could being like this. Did it has a reason in it? Yeah it has, if not why would i suddenly change like this.

The 2nd term is already in front of the eye. Damn, i know i want to go to campus soon but never thought that i still in delight of laziness. Wanting to be a potato couch again please. I got lucky for having a very kind lecturer on 6 credits, yeah 6 credits and positively you are going to have A in your transcript, Thank God! but for other course... Well don't know how to said. Just hope for the best and plan for the worst. By the way there a story about credits i am going to take. You know, as a freshman i should take 21 credits on this term no more no less. The course already packaged for the freshman, but you know i try to add more course so i could take 23 credits this year. At first i was very anxious because many of my friends get rejected on their courses plan registration because adding more credits. Actually i have contacted my academic adviser about my wants to have 23 credits on this term. Then the day where my courses plan registration already approved by my adviser make me feel so relieved because others rejected and i was not. But suddenly the next day, people from the academic bureau call me  and asking why i was trying to take 23 credits and not following the rule. I said "I have consulted with my adviser and she said it was okay", "Who is your adviser", "Viverita, miss" well she became quiet for 2-3 seconds "Oh miss rita yea? So it is okay for you to have more credits from others?" "Yeah, sure" "Okay *hang up" I thought, why hearing my adviser make her accepted that i am taking 23 credits? Did Miss Rita, my adviser,i mentioned to her make her got nothing to say anymore? Lol, who knows.

Oh yeah, next week i am going to have written test for Management Student Society Staff Open Recruitment. With all my might, i am going to put my best effort to this recruitment, i really want to be a part of Management Student Society as Public Relations Staff. Wish Me Luck!

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013


Kemarin-kemarin lagi beresin barang-barang di kamar dan engga sengaja ketemu buku guide sebuah game jaman 3 sd gitu, dibuku itu aku inget banget nulisin nomor telpon teman sd aku namanya agsal. He was my bestfriend on my first-time in Palembang. Terus kita pisah pas kenaikan kelas gitu dan udah jarang kontakan. Terus naik kelas ampe lulus sd pun udah ga terlalu kontakan sih. Yah, itu sih yang langsung kepikir waktu ngeliat nomor telpon nih orang. Uda 7 tahun aja ga ketemu sama dia, terus karena penasaran sekarang dia gimana langsung buka facebook gitu dan ngepoin twitter hahaha. Looking that he's not so active in social media so i didn't contact him after that.

Tapi besoknya engga disangka ada yang ngeadd bbm, namanya agsal. Serius ini orang baru dikepoin kemarin udah ngeadd bbm aja besoknya? segitu banget dunia sama takdir langsung nemuin nih orang. Awalnya sih takut salah orang soalnya dp dia racer gitu, which is i believed it is may be him since i've known that he like racing things. Setelah ganti dp dia sekitar 2 hari kemudian akhirnya baru deh berani ngontak dia duluan dan ternyata emang dia kok dan dari dp masih muka agsal yang dulu dikenal hahaha. 

The fact, hasil akhir dari obrolan adalah ternyata dia masih kelas 3 sma soalnya pas kelas x dia ga sekolah setahun gara-gara dikeluarin hobi tawuran (err...) terus sekarang dia smk di...... Depok. Damn, dunia sempit banget yak ternyata. Ternyata dia sama-sama di depok dan sekolah dia engga jauh dari UI katanya. Hahaha ntar kalo udah balik ke Depok harus ketemu nih orang, 7 tahun engga pernah ketemu apa kabar yak.. Tapi lucu aja sih dan masih engga nyangka aja... Tuhan emang udah punya plannya sendiri gitu ya. Tiba-tiba aja habis ngepoin nih orang besok dia ngeadd bbm, terus tanya-tanya kabar eh ternyata selama ini deket tinggalnya. 

It has never been on my mind that i would miss college's life so much. I miss all the friends who always made my day in every suck daily-routine-things. Ini nih temen yang sering bareng dikampus. Udah satu semester setia nemenin kerempongan satu sama lain. Dari kiri ada gabby, temen smp dulu dan ternyata satu kelompok ospek dan sampe sekarang jadinya deket, padahal dulu smp engga kenal sama sekali. Terus ada lia, semacam bahan bully-an anak-anak kelompok ospek dan semacam partner karena selalu sekelas sama dia. Terus ada marvin, temen makan dan hedon satu ini pinter banget akun, dan berhasil ngajarin aku akuntansi yang sehopeless manusia yang mau menghadapi uts (ampe nangis bahkan sehari sebelum uts gara-gara ga ngerti) berhasil ngebuat nilai akhir A- (I owe you so much Marviin!) Oh ya marvin ini orangnya smart banget kalo ngomong sama dia ada aja trivia-trivia baru yang masuk ke otak. Terus ada gayo, si bocah aksel yang selalu dikatain ambisius karena pinter banget dah, sering ngajarin kita yang hopeless di beberapa pelajaran. Terus ada mbak dinda, temen paling extrovert yang pernah ditemuin karena setiap ketemu dia setiap hari bakal selalu ada cerita baru tentang hidupnya mulai dari orang tua, adek sampe pacarnya. Gara-gara si dinda aku juga ikutan extrovert... thanks din membenarkan teori pergaulan memang memberi pengaruh. Terus ada aulia, biasanya dipanggil aul anaknya baek banget tapi  jarang meet up karena dia anak kelas inter jadi beda jadwal. Satu lagi nih yang engga ada, namanya fara. Bahan bully-an kita juga dan temen yang selalu ditanyain "fara mana?" karena kelas dia beda terus sama kita hahaha

Damn, Can't wait to meet up those guys! but 2nd term have not-so-friendly schedule.. seems can't enjoy things as much as before...